Well Oiled Machine

  • Well Oiled Machine
  • 歌手:Clone Quartet
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年12月
  • 公司:Smalltown America

"Dance music is the new rock music is the new dance music. Somewhere in here lies Clone Quartet - a dapper bunch from Belfast who are a quartet. They appear not to be clones of each other, but whether they're clones of some other people, we don't really know. What we do really know is that 'Well-Oiled Machine' is a grammatically perfect title and a deadly efficient long-player.

They're up to that indie-rock-band-with-a-hint-of-electronics thing, which may sound like a half-arsed punt at the 'Nu-Rave' buck, but hear them out: Clone Quartet use their instruments to full potential, creating an intense dancefloor flavour, both bittersweet and dirty in their pop pretensions. Debut single splitters 'Carousel' and 'Played To Death' sounds like a dance-off between Arcade Fire and To My Boy taking place at a 7 year-old's birthday party after too much fizzy orange. They also sound a bit like VHS Or Beta in their 80s-humping Duran Duran camposity – just without the pinstripe blazer and roll-neck sweater combos. Meanwhile, 'Twenty Five' clangs like Hadouken! on the rare day on which they write a melody.

For something which seems the composite of many tried-and-tested formulae, Clone Quartet and their eleven offerings throw up something surprisingly fresh. Undying and unapologetic in its poppiness, 'Well-Oiled Machine' licks you behind the ears like an over-affectionate puppy. It makes you feel soggy and nostalgic, like Múm's Icelandic soundscapes being scythed by the surging, triumphant square wave of progress (see '10 Lies'). But secretly you love it to bits. And this kind of love is a very, very good feeling."

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