Andy The First New Dream

專輯:1張 歌曲:12點此復制給好友李先皓所有歌曲
  • Andy The First New Dream
  • 歌手:李先皓
  • 語種:韩语
  • 時間:2008年01月
  • 公司:SM唱片

Andy首张solo正规专辑ANDY the first NEW DREAM 发售!!

神话组合的Andy出道十周年后发表首张个人专辑‘ANDY the first NEW DREAM ’。


收录了12曲的‘ANDY the first NEW DREAM ’并不仅仅只有新歌,首张数码单曲暨与wonder girls的侑彬合作的充满欢快感的冬季曲‘漫天的想象’也被包含在内,此外Andy在首次音乐剧‘music in my heart’中演唱的人气歌曲‘music in my heart’以及‘谎言’等曲目也被收录在内。


此外,与1辑发售同期举行的Andy首场个人演唱会将于1月18日到23日在首尔大学路SH club举行,演唱会门票在预售开始的5分钟内即被抢购一空,再次证实了Andy的人气。

With Eric Mun, Lee Min Woo, Kim Dong Wan, Jun Jin, and Shin Hye Sung plastering the front pages of entertainment news with their ongoing solo acts and romantic gossip, one may think that Andy, the group's youngest member, has been taking it easy over the last few years. On the contraire, Andy kept himself busy performing for a stage musical, setting up his own entertainment management business, and preparing for his solo act. Here, the star who crazed his fans with his signature "heart dance" releases his first solo album, The First New Dream, exuding the singer's hidden versatility and good old chivalrous charm.

The First New Dream contains not only new songs but also already released cuts like Eong ddung han sang sang ("Irrelevant Imagination") (Track 10) from his earlier digital single. This catchy rap number is penned by Park Jin Young and features the vocals of Yoo Bin of Wonder Girls. There's also Gerjitmal ("Lies") (Track 11), a song from his musical Music In My Heart. Andy plans to spend the early part of 2008 promoting his new album, but fans of Shinhwa need not worry as the group is gearing up for their 9th album, to be released sometime in 2008 to celebrate - yes, Shinhwa's 10th anniversary!

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