Grammy Nominees 2005

  • Grammy Nominees 2005
  • 歌手:Grammy Nominees
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2005年02月
  • 公司:Capitol

Nobody hates a cliché more than a conscientious record reviewer, but the fact is there are no losers on Grammy Nominees 2005. Though not all the acts represented here walked away with a golden statuette for their efforts, many —including Alicia Keys, Los Lonely Boys, and Maroon 5 —did, and the ones that didn't handily demonstrate why they earned the nod. Gretchen Wilson represents all that's right with modern country via her inescapable "Redneck Woman," and the genre jumble of relative newcomers Kanye West, Joss Stone and Josh Groban likewise make the case for keeping the radio dial spinning. Older listeners are the real winners here, though: Brian Wilson, Elvis Costello, Prince and U2 pull former awards-show junkies into the present and confer generational props at the same time.

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