The Stoop

  • The Stoop
  • 歌手:Little Jackie
  • 語種:国语
  • 時間:2008年07月
  • 公司:S-Curve Records

Blend the old-school R&B sound with a quirky hybrid of hip-hop and pop and you get Little Jackie, the creation of genre-defying singer-songwriter Imani Coppola and multi-instrumentalist Adam Pallin. With a nod to the soulful Motown rhythms of the past and a sneer to many of the social and cultural issues that consume the public today, Coppola has crafted an album of musical sugar and spice, filled with sweet, saccharine-tinged melodies and spicy, bold commentaries.

With her music, Coppola has created a space where she’s free to be herself. Fitting in has always been a struggle. “I have a unique take to look at both races,” she says. “The only thing I can really speak for in this life is as a woman.”

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