Feels Like Home

  • Feels Like Home
  • 歌手:Sheryl Crow
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2013年09月
  • 公司:华纳唱片

Sheryl Crow是二十世纪90年代以来最受欢迎的摇滚乐女歌手之一,她与众不同的将不同风的音乐格融入到美国传统摇滚乐中,而形成了自己特有的一种颇具另类色彩但是非常流行,非常受欢迎的音乐风格。至今已发行7张录音室专辑,2张精选,1张现场专辑,全球唱片销量突破5000万张,获得9项格莱美大奖,为美国最受欢迎的摇滚女艺人。其第八张录音室专辑《Feels Like Home》于2013年9月10日由华纳唱片发行。

Nine-time Grammy award-winner Sheryl Crow presents her highly anticipated 2013 album, Feels Like Home, the first country record of her career and features her hit single, "Easy." Each track on the album was co-written with another songwriter, which is a first for Crow, including Grammy award-winner Brad Paisley.

"It wasn't until I moved here that I realized what an amazing community it is, " said Crow of working on Feels Like Home in Nashville, Tenn." It's the thing I've been missing my whole career, the feeling of being able to sit around with a guitar and have people know each other's songs and know songs from people who've influenced all of us. When I moved here pretty early on Vince Gill started calling me to do guitar pulls, and I thought, gosh, this is just like heaven on earth down here. "

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