
專輯:1張 歌曲:10點此復制給好友Pseudosix所有歌曲
  • 同名专辑
  • 歌手:Pseudosix
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年08月
  • 公司:SBR唱片

The Portland, OR-based trio of Tim Perry, Emil Snizeck, and Joe Kelly specializes in a slow, almost dreamy brand of guitar rock that sounds rustic but really isn't, and that sometimes sounds world-weary but isn't really that either, and that might occasionally fool you into thinking it's ironic, but very definitely isn't that.

True, their songs tend to kind of plod along, and they tend to address fairly dire topics in their lyrics without sounding awfully concerned about them (sample couplet: "The very last thing I remember was this/Standing on the surface of a hollow abyss"). But don't be fooled into thinking that this is some kind of shoegazer Americana band.

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