The Iron Stone

  • The Iron Stone
  • 歌手:Robin Williamson
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年08月
  • 公司:Ecm Records

The British folk singer Robin Williamson collaborates with the Swedish folk musician Ale Moller and two U.S. jazz musicians, the violinist Mat Maneri and the bassist Barre Phillips, in this set, which features improvisations on the works of poets as varied as Walt Whitman, Sir Walter Raleigh, and William Blake. Also included are reworkings of folk tunes such as "Sir Patrick Spens" and Williamson's own "The Iron Stone," as well as abstract musical meditations such as "There Is a Music" and "To God in God's Absence."

Traditionalists may find The Iron Stone too far removed to be credible. But Williamson and his group are forging a new approach to tradition, where greater interpretive latitude extends beyond fixed form and allows for greater textural, harmonic and melodic breadth. It’s The Iron Stone’s intentional departure from convention that makes it an album that’s both reverent of its sources’ epochs while remaining truly timeless and, ultimately, forward-looking.

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