My Conscience And I

  • My Conscience And I
  • 歌手:Remi Nicole
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年11月
  • 公司:Island

Remi Nicole kicks off her debut album with the infectious and delicious track 'Go With The Flow'. An accurate tale of just how quickly Remi friend decided that her tracks would appeal to more than just the eavesdroppers on Hampstead Heath ?she got hooked up via Myspace with producer Johnny Douglas (George Michael) and later on with Tony Hoffer (The Fratellis, Kooks and The Thrills) and swiftly found herself in the studio making her debut album following signing on the dotted line at Island Records offices early January 2007.

Forthcoming single, 'Rock n Roll', is the perfect introduction to our new outspoken pop starlet. "They said youe not normal, why don you sing RnB", she sings before biting back, "I said got no rhythm and I got no blues, I as happy as can be." Part of a new breed of literate British pop sensations currently sweeping the nation - she is a direct descendant of the Mike Skinner pop vocabulary.

But unlike the rest that have come before her, Remi also represents an exciting new generation of black young musicians challenging stereotypes. "Everyone who sees me says 'do you sing R'n'B?' It just shows that there aren enough people out there who are breaking down barriers." Drawing on the multitude of pretty boring jobs she had before she picked up the guitar - 'Soulback' tinged with 60 influenced psychedelia and the acoustic 'Fed Up' ?might draw on the past but also prove that Remi intends on never looking back from her new found career. Never one to mince her words, 'Dates From Hell' and 'Na Nighty' are full of tongue in cheek digs at ex boyfriends who's mums love her more than them, her love for football and the fact that- quite frankly- if you don like her, she not going to cry about it. 'Right Side Of Me' and 'Lights Out' in contrast show us she just like every other single 20 something under her tomboyish persona.

The album demonstrates the sharp observational streak that she already shown on previous feel good single 'Go Mr Sunshine'. 'New Old Days' has dry nostalgic wit, nodding to those long lost heroes Kriss Kross and the honest 'Tabloid Queen' about our celebrity obsessed culture, name checking Heat magazine, Wonderbras, and 'What Not To Wear' while slyly mimicking Beyonce and Jay Z.

Closing with 'Inside Of Me' the inspiration for her album title 'My Conscience And I'. "I so sick of arguing with myself", narrates our frank wordsmith "Inside of me is a Bonnie and Clyde, driving through my mind. It a love hate relationship that I cannot hide, my conscience and I". With a debut album rich in humour, intelligence and above all honesty, Remi Nicole is much more than a breath of fresh air ?she is essential.

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