This Moment

  • This Moment
  • 歌手:Steven Curtis Chapman
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007月10月
  • 公司:Sparrow Records

出生自美国肯塔基州的Steven,从小在父亲开设的商店中把玩乐器,吉他与钢琴成为最拿手绝活,进入大学求学之际,为了音乐,Steven毅然决然放弃继续攻读机会,支身前往那许维尔追逐音乐理想,一边表演一边着手创作的Steven,将作品作嫁于多位乡村、福音界歌手演唱,获得广大回响后,各大唱片公司纷纷对Steven招手表示善意,最后选择栖身福音公司Sparrow发行个人专辑‘First Hand’,单曲"Weak Days"赢得福音榜亚军席次,隔年‘Real Life Conversations’不仅获取排行冠军,更夺下福音界音乐盛事GMA“年度最佳创作者”奖项。第三张专辑‘More To This Life’更胜一筹的创下四首冠军单曲、提名GMA十组奖项,最后抱走五项,Steven 惊人创下1989自2002每一年均有奖座入手,连获1992-1994年葛莱美“最佳流行福音专辑”大奖,精湛吉他演出,曾在2002年Gibson吉他音乐奖“最佳Acoustic吉他手”入围名单之中。

Steven Curtis Chapman (born November 21, 1962 in Paducah, Kentucky, U.S.) is a contemporary Christian musician who has won five Grammy awards and more Gospel Music Association awards than any other artist in history.

With nearly 10 million records sold, 51 Dove Awards, 5 Grammy's, 16 studio projects, and 41 career number 1 radio singles, Steven Curtis Chapman has made an overwhelming impact on Christian music. Chapman's insights and ideas are wiser and more wide-eyed than ever before on This Moment, his first new project in more than three years. Wisdom culled from two decades of ante-upping artistry anchors the set in a delightfully confident pop musicality. Meanwhile, the new wonders he's finding at home now on the other side of the world add passion and a worshipful air to his thoughtful lyrics.

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