Trains Planes And Automobiles

  • Trains Planes And Automobiles
  • 歌手:The Skyline Drive
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年11月
  • 公司:Rectifier Music

The Skyline Drive aren’t bad, but answering questions about why I (dis)like them becomes an arduous task. In Julia Conny’s risqué (and sure to be far superior) review of their EP, there is plenty of talk about the band's mainstream appeal. She's money on that point. Yuppies and WWJD-clad frat boys rejoice, here’s your band. And no, I don’t hate everything on the radio. I do, however, find fault with such generic pop-rock fare. The songs take two forms: ballad (“Pray”) or cheeseball rocker (“Don’t Go”). True, these things could be said about other bands I like. But that’s just it; everything I say about The Skyline Drive could be said about a million (literally) pop bands.

The most respectable thing about Trains, Planes, And Automobiles is its sincerity. The piano tinkling and faith-beyond-limits lyrics of “I Will Stand” oozes emotion (the good kind). A feeling of repetition is constant, though (“100 Days”). “Carry On,” which garnered the band some actual time on actual radio airwaves, succeeds without doing anything particularly different. A little crooning here, some string arrangements there, and plenty o’ power chords accompany touching lyrics concerning a deceased friend. People should hear this song. Apparently taste walks the finest of lines. What makes this song awesome and “Pray” skippable lies in miniscule, picky details. Guitar-driven formats work for The Skyline Drive (“How To Blow A Year”), and any sort of dynamics break up the pop monotony. (Popotony!)

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