Fugitives And Refugees

  • Fugitives And Refugees
  • 歌手:Shotgun Rules
  • 語種:英语
  • 時間:2007年11月
  • 公司:IND唱片

The band's passion exploded from their debut EP, Estimated Time of Arrival (June 2004). On this album Shotgun was finally able to expand their fan base and introduce their intricate and emotional sound to a larger audience. Delivering mesmerizing riffs, striking vocal melodies and pumping drums, Estimated Time of Arrival truly showcased Shotgun's musical mastery. Sam Sutherland from Exclaim Magazine wrote, "...the EP's phenomenal opening track, demonstrates a dazzling technical proficiency woven through tight songwriting and gut-wrenching vocal layering. The stand out here is the six-minute-plus closing piano ballad, 'No Sense of Consequence', whose sonic restraint proves the band capable of producing strong music outside of the eardrum-wrecking range."

The collision of talent between Ric Mattingley (guitars), Corry Van Spronsen (guitars), Dusty Mattingley (drums), John MacKenzie (vocals) and Joe Giugno (bass) resulted in unconventional songwriting, and an intoxicating and explosive live performance. The songs of Shotgun Rules are impulsive and volatile, yet at the same time are not chaotic but completely directed. Their songs burst and recoil and flow so smoothly between buildups and breakdowns that by the end of the song, you will be amazed you are still listening to the same song you started with. Inspired by everything from eighties metal to progressive rock to piano ballads, the band thrives on challenging expectations and delivering an intense authenticity to their fans.

At the end of the night, exhausted from giving their all, the final piece of gear is loaded and their van pulls away from The Embassy. Much like pressing play on a Shotgun Rules album, their experience is all about the raw energy and element of surprise uniting their hard rock sound!

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